It makes all the difference in your construction project

Team KC

What's more important than a deadline? Nothing.


We love nothing more than to help our clients and deliver the job when we say we would. We have a proven track record of making that happen, even under the most intense deadline pressure. Let us manage the details that trip up most big construction projects, so that your fate isn't with those who didn't plan for success.  Just Call Kindle Construction (JCKC.Online)

Our past projects: Remodeling Bath, Kitchen, or replacing Windows and Doors has always been with keeping the client informed.  Working in tandem with the clients' wants and needs has always led to a successful project.  In the end, a satisfied client will always lead to additional work and most importantly "Referrals".

Finish on time and ON budget

our services

past Projects


Kindle Construction uses a cost effective process for planning, tracking, and managing your project.  We'll pinpoint how to deliver what you envision your project should appear to be and expect.

Our reliable team has a solid background in both residential and commercial construction. You get the benefit of experience that's been acquired year after year, job after job.

get the job done


John Kindle  
(562) 618-1254
  • Design
  • Project planning
  • Budgeting & estimating
  • Project Collaboration
  • Remodeling
  • New Additions
  • Windows and Doors Replacement
  • Handyman Projects



For more than 20 years, Kindle Construction has provided construction and remodeling services for all types of Homes and Businesses.  

Our number #1 priority is the clients' satisfaction with the service and product we provide. 

We know the ins and outs of construction and remodeling like no one else and our knowledge can make the difference between a successful project and a costly one.

We treat each job, large or small, with the same care as if we were the owners of the property.  

You have my guarantee.